"It's not only supporting the veterans, but providing the support network that the veteran relies on"
MCVC of Rotherham
Reserve stories
Find out what it's like to be a reserve in Yorkshire and the Humber from the experts themselves - our own reserves.

“At South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue we recognise the invaluable contribution members of the Armed Forces Community make."
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue

"The opportunities within the RAF reserves are absolutely amazing. Taskings come in all of the time, there's always different types of adventures for you to go on."
Corporal Jac Lee, Logistics Chef with 607 Squadron

"The skills I get from the reserves are transferable into civilian life and the skills I get from civilian life are also transferable into the military."
Sergeant Kalvin Neal, army reservist with 4th Battalion The Royal Yorkshire Regiment

"I've had some amazing opportunities in the reserves and to be honest I wish I'd done it sooner"
Corporal Spencer Lee, mechanical transport logistics driver for 607 Squadron

“There’s nowhere else I know where you get to do the sort of things I do in the reserves and I enjoy every bit of it."
Private Ibrahim Choudhury, 4th Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment

"Being a reserve gives you the opportunity to build a much wider skills base and I encourage all my colleagues to think about joining."
Captain Helen Haigh, Royal Engineers.

"As a reservist, you get the best of both worlds because you run two parallel careers which can each complement one another."
Major Rachel Reynolds, 212 Field Hospital, Sheffield.

"I’m massively into physical fitness and military training gives me an extra outlet for that.”
Aircraftsman Danny Railton, 609 Squadron, Leeming.

"The reserves has given me a lot of opportunities I wouldn't have got in civilian roles."
Corporal Vanessa Thomas, 335 Medical Evacuation Regiment